Now a professional photographer, I am primarily involved with roebuck
and roe doe stalking. I have for many year arranged stalking for clients wanting to shoot
red deer stags and hinds, fallow bucks and does, sika and roe, in many cases I have been the stalker.

I still greatly enjoy taking selected clients after roe on ground that I shoot over, both hill
and woodland (low ground). Much of my low ground stalking is capable of producing trophy
bucks but I have the final say as to what will be shot. I do not use high seats and all clients are
asked to show that they can shoot straight at a target before the start. Beginners are welcome and
I can provide a rifle. Some degree of fitness is a benefit. All stalking is accompanied and involves early starts and
late evenings on low ground; hill stalking is an all day expedition. During the rut (July / August), although very
weather dependant, the middle of the day can be a good time to call bucks.

Fallow and red deer can occasionally be available. Photographic safaris will be considered.

On this site you can access my current prices and deer shooting seasons in Scotland

- Contact -

Peter Keyser, Wester Foffarty, Kincaldrum, Forfar, Angus DD8 1TY, Scotland
01307 484731 / 07730 400731. Email:

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